How long is insulator service life?

When customers select insulators, the aging of insulator and service life of insulator must be thought of, and this is also the insulator manufacturer focusing on.

Insulator service life:
Insulator products under the condition of the usage standard, and to maintain its performance is not lower than the factory standard, the minimum term is insulator service life. Glass insulator service life depends on the metal accessories, the service life of porcelain insulator and composite insulator depends on insulation parts. Glass insulator service life is longer than the porcelain insulators and composite insulators. The service life of composite insulator depends mainly on composite material aging.

composite insulator deadend type-Orient Power
composite insulator deadend type

We can study the definition of the ageing of insulators and the internal and external factors involved and reviews the general phenomena and the causes of it.

In order to reduce the expansion stress resulting from cement's expansion and prolong the life-span of porcelain insulator, a thin asphalt buffer layer is coated between the porcelain and the cement. The Statistics analysis of the composite insulators in service shows that the composite insulators have better electrical performance, anti-aging and good stabilization year by year.

Insulator inspecting technique and life management technique is the study issue of electric power industry at present. It is proved experimentally that aging of composite insulator is very slow, and can not threaten the service safety of overhead lines.

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